The Edo and Elvo Tempia Foundation Onlus was established in 2005 shortly after the passing of Elvo Tempia Valenta (who founded the Edo Tempia Fund volunteer association in 1981). It is a private, non-profit healthcare organization engaged in research, diagnosis, assistance, and information, active in the field of oncology for the prevention and treatment of cancer. It promotes social sustainability by striving to make high-quality information and care accessible to as many people as possible, reducing social inequalities. This mission is pursued locally in the Biella area through a network of clinics and services and regionally, nationally, and internationally through support for research in new technologies.
The Foundation has contributed, in partnership with public and private entities, including banking foundations and university research centers, to the introduction and implementation of important innovative and technological projects, such as the cancer screening program using mobile units. President Viola Erdini notes that this project has always attracted great interest among the people of Biella, who recognize the importance of prevention. Another pioneering initiative is its commitment to research on tumor characterization. The aim is to develop personalized care pathways that target customized therapies for individuals. The Foundation also collaborates with Cittadellarte on the LetEatBI project, intending to connect disease prevention with healthy eating.
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