The Atlas of Screens

Each mapped case study is here represented through key images: more than 100 organisations committed to sustainability. They were interviewed by the young mappers, under the supervision of Cittadellarte, and expressed their opinions on the sustainable choices they have made or would like to make in the future, with reference to the 17 Sustainability Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. Each of them filled in a short self-assessment form based on the following criteria:

- Social and environmental impact (e.g. emissions, waste, energy, land use);

- Innovativeness and originality;

- Replicability and exportability in other territories;

- Ability to generate sustainable economy and employment;

- Relationship with the territory and communities, and ability to network.

  • Agriturismo l'Arbo

    Relax and tourism in the Cervo Valley among chestnut, beech and birch trees

    Location: Sagliano Micca
    Scope: tourism
  • Agriturismo L’Oro di Berta

    Nature, authenticity, typicality and zero km products

    Location: Portula
    Scope: tourism
  • Association of the House Museum of the Upper Cervo Valley

    The sustainable relaunch of Bürsch

    Location: Rosazza
    Scope: tourism
  • Associazione A passi d'Asino

    "We must leave an imprint of knowledge, but it must be as light as possible" (Paolo Vergnaghi)

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: tourism
  • Associazione culturale Centro Documentazione Ricetti del Piemonte

    La valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-artistico locale

    Location: Candelo
  • Associazione Culturale Storie di Piazza aps

    “Ogni volta che si entra nella Piazza ci si trova in mezzo a un dialogo” (Italo Calvino, Le Città Invisibili)

    Location: Bioglio
  • Associazione Orsi nel mondo

    La solidarietà come stile di vita

    Location: Portula
  • Associazione Panathlon Biella

    Sport as an instrument of understanding and brotherhood between individuals and peoples

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • Associazione White Rabbit Event

    Natura e mistero

    Location: Biella
  • ATL Biella - Valsesia - Vercelli

    The Biellese you never imagined!

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • Azienda agricola Alessandro Remus - Cascina Donda

    "I'm just getting by, the keeper of this place, my job is to preserve it in the best possible way" (Alessandro Remus)

    Location: Lessona
    Scope: tourism
  • Azienda Agricola Amilcare Cappellaro

    The ancient process of lactofermentation

    Location: Sagliano Micca
    Scope: 0 km food
  • Azienda Agricola Cascina Angiolina

    “Only the good earth can bear healthy fruit without having to give up quality” (Marco e Mariarosa)

    Location: Buronzo
    Scope: food
  • Azienda Agricola L’Orto d’Asporto

    “We have removed the presumption of knowing how to do, to leave room for those who have always been able to support themselves independently: nature”. (Laura Formagnana)

    Location: Cerrione
    Scope: food
  • B&B Casa Dolce Casa

    Fare rete e offrire servizi di qualità

    Location: Candelo
  • Barbera Sandro and sons

    The combination of advanced craftsmanship and sustainability

    Location: Biella
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Bi&Bee

    A beehive populated with people

    Location: Zubiena
    Scope: Food
  • Bi.Biel

    The passion for the tradition of good things

    Location: Biella
    Scope: food
  • Biblioteca Civica Livio Pozzo

    Istruzione di qualità in uno spazio protetto

    Location: Candelo
  • Biella Cresce

    Imparare ad imparare

    Location: Biella
  • Biella Gold Seekers Association

    The biggest gold mine in the nature in Europe

    Location: Zubiena
    Scope: water
  • Biella The Wool Company

    Wool is not only a natural and renewable product, but also a culture

    Location: Miagliano
    Scope: tourism and hospitality
  • Big Picture Learning

    The school that helps students develop their potential

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Birrificio Beer In

    The high altitude brewery

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: Food
  • Cà d'Andrei Farm

    Reception and high altitude goat cheese

    Location: Sagliano Micca
    Scope: food
  • Cappellificio Biellese 1935

    The old hat factory rediscovered

    Location: Biella
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Cappellificio Cervo

    Indossare un nostro cappello trasmette l’emozione di un accessorio Made in Italy ricco di storia e personalità

    Location: Sagliano Micca
  • Carolina Venturin Artigiano Liutaio

    "Sustainability? First of all Carolina and not just a luthier" (Carolina Venturin)

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Cascina Bozzola di Marco Maffeo

    The fruit museum

    Location: Occhieppo Inferiore
    Scope: km 0 food
  • Cascina Giocosa

    To give back to the earth what is offered to us

    Location: Pralungo
    Scope: tourism
  • Caseificio Rosso

    “Art and taste improve life. The experience of tasting a typical cheese is a journey into the civilization of the past that transmits important values and knowledge to us for the future " (Enrico Rosso)

    Location: Pollone
    Scope: Food
  • Centovigne - Castello di Castellengo

    The recovery and enhancement of the fine wine

    Location: Cossato
    Scope: tourism
  • Centro diurno integrato Tut 'l dì

    Una comunità inclusiva

    Location: Candelo
  • Centro Piante Scarlatta

    Homeopathic treatment for plants

    Location: Biella
    Scope: water
  • CeramicAmica

    Creatività e passione

    Location: Candelo
  • Chiorino Technology

    The evolution of a company: from transmission belts to leather goods for luxury fashion

    Location: Biella
    Scope: energy
  • Ciclofficina Thomas Sankara

    What is the value of a refusal?

    Location: Occhieppo Inferiore
    Scope: trash
  • Clelio Angelino Foundation

    Taking care generates beauty

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Club di Papillon del Biellese

    Passion for Taste, Promotion of the Territory

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Food and Wine, Culture, Promotion of the Territory
  • CNA Biella

    Promozione dello sviluppo locale

    Location: Biella
  • Consorzio Biella Accoglie - Discover Biella

    Discover Biella: Promoting Excellence and Welcoming Visitors to the Heart of Piedmont

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Hospitality, Tourism
  • Consorzio Sociale Il Filo da Tessere

    Responsible cooperation for the enhancement and growth of the common good

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Cooperativa Sociale Tantintenti

    Social Innovation for Community Well-being

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Education and culture

    Create less waste, differentiate more!

    Location: Biella
    Scope: trash
  • Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Biella

    The time of kindness

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Cubit - Mountain houses

    "Together we go slowly but far." (Alessandro Boggio Merlo)

    Location: Campiglia Cervo
    Scope: tourism
  • DocBi - Center for Documentation and Protection of Biellese Culture

    "There is a need to establish a link with the territory that generates empathic knowledge. The territory must be experienced in its fullness " (Marcello Vaudano)

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • E20progetti

    Since 1992 E20progetti has specialized in promotion strategies, in the creation of materials and in the design of events, exhibitions and books for public bodies and private companies.

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Turism
  • EdilCasa

    Tradition and technology in transition towards a new living

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism and hospitality

    Biella Città Smart

    Location: Biella
    Scope: mobility
  • Enoteca Antognelli

    Il buon vino del territorio

    Location: Candelo
  • Ermenegildo Zegna

    The luxury of sustainability

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Fashion Atelier by Tatiana Fusi

    The sustainable vision of fashion according to a young designer from Biella

    Location: Biella
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Felice De Palma

    Between craftsmanship and technology: the new life of regenerated materials

    Location: Vigliano Biellese
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Filatura Astro

    Eco-sustainable regenerated yarns since 1956 in Biella

    Location: Vigliano Biellese
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Finissaggio e Tintoria Ferraris

    “Sono convinto che le persone siano al centro dell’azienda e della società e, in quanto tali, protagoniste del cambiamento”

    Location: Gaglianico
  • Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella

    Una risorsa a supporto del territorio

    Location: Biella
  • Fondazione Edo ed Elvo Tempia

    Prevention and fight against cancer

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Health
  • Fondazione Zegna

    "The sense of responsibility and commitment must become concrete in everyday life" (Anna Zegna)

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: tourism
  • Foodopia

    Foodopia means utopia of a place where nature is in balance with man. Food is the thread that unites them. It is the well-being that is generated. (Marta Foglio)

    Location: Pollone
    Scope: food
  • Funivie Oropa Foundation

    "We work in the present to create the roots of a future, including tourism, more attentive to nature and the environment" (Gionata Pirali)

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • GAL Montagne Biellesi

    Discovering and loving Biella’s area without seeing it: the tourism experience for everyone

    Location: Andorno Micca
    Scope: tourism and hospitality
  • GASB! Biella Solidarity Purchasing Group

    Conscious purchasing for a sustainable future

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Food, Craftsmanship, Health and Well-being
  • Gruppo Schneider

    "If there were no darkness, there would be no pastures and animals would not produce their fiber and the people of light would wear only synthetic yarns and therefore would consume even more oil"

    Location: Verrone
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Gruppo Sella

    Innovazione come soluzione per le sfide future

    Location: Biella
  • Il Campo di Andrea Monaco

    Natural and regenerative cultivation

    Location: Biella
    Scope: food
  • Il Groviglio - associazione LGBT+

    Passion, rights, freedom

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Il Talucco

    "Integrating the guest by bringing him to know and discover the traditions of the area” (Valentina Aimone)

    Location: Valdengo
    Scope: food
  • Istituto Musicale Perosi

    The school of music masters

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • La Bürsch

    Il gusto del buono

    Location: Campiglia Cervo
  • La Cantina Creativa di Piera Oddone

    La passione per le tinture naturali

    Location: Candelo
  • La Crava Cuntenta Farm

    "If you are stressed and live in the city, you lose sight of certain goals, such as harmony with the rest of the world and nature." (Manuela Zegna)

    Location: Masserano
    Scope: tourism
  • La Scuola delle Terrecotte di Ronco Biellese

    The value of a unique handmade object

    Location: Ronco Biellese
    Scope: education
  • La Soleggiata

    "If the world ended tomorrow, today I would plant an apple tree" (Michael Silverman)

    Location: Cerrione
    Scope: food
  • La Taverna del Ricetto

    L'etica della ristorazione

    Location: Candelo
  • Laboratorio La Locomotiva

    "I have always given value to what others consider a waste"

    Location: Biella
    Scope: trash
  • Lanificio Drago

    An incessant and passionate search for soft and elegant fabrics

    Location: Lessona
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Lanificio Subalpino

    Fabrics and dyes that respect people's health

    Location: Quaregna Cerreto
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Lauretana

    The lightest water in Europe

    Location: Graglia
    Scope: water
  • LILT The Italian League for the Fight against - Associazione prov. le di Biella

    To prevent is to live!

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • L’AgriCultura aps - Bosco dei Piccoli, bosco dei Grandi

    Playing and growing in nature to learn to live in harmony

    Location: Veglio
    Scope: education
  • L’APEritiva

    Nomadic beekeeping

    Location: Camburzano
    Scope: Food
  • Maketto

    Design and build for a sustainable life

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Education and culture
  • Manenti Farm

    At the roots of natural agriculture

    Location: Sostegno
    Scope: km 0 food
  • Mazzuchetti Farm

    “Sustainability and cultural tourism, I believe is an indissoluble combination "(Riccardo Mazzuchetti)

    Location: Sagliano Micca
    Scope: food
  • Mondoffice

    La sostenibilità non è marketing, ma un’azione vera e concreta

    Location: Castelletto Cervo
  • Movimento Lento

    I cammini accessibili

    Location: Roppolo
  • Mulino Ottino 1938

    The ancient art of the miller

    Location: Magnano
    Scope: food
  • Municipality of Campiglia Cervo

    "I choose to go and live in Alta Valle Cervo, because it is a place where you feel good". (Maurizio Piatti, Mayor of Campiglia Cervo)

    Location: Campiglia Cervo
    Scope: tourism
  • Natural Boom

    Nourish your mind!

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Nutrition, Health, and Well-being
  • Oasi Zegna

    "Man needs places; he must see and experience things. We need to ensure that people have experiences to create layers in the mind." (Anna Zegna)

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: tourism and hospitality
  • Officina +39

    Trustainable - innovation, sustainable practices, clean information, transparency and social responsibility

    Location: Biella
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • open school del terzo paradiso

    An Archipelago of Learning for an Integrated Educational Community

    Location: Biella
  • Oremo Energia Solidale

    Shared Energy for Community Well-being

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Energy
  • Orso Blu Cooperative

    People at the service of an inclusive community

    Location: Biella
    Scope: trash
  • Osservatorio Biellese Beni Culturali e Paesaggio

    Landscape is everything. Landscape is everyone

    Location: Biella
    Scope: education
  • Pacefuturo onlus Association

    "In life there is always an ageless time to think about peace, to rethink a past that was ours, to rekindle a future that will be theirs" (Angelo Pavia)

    Location: Pettinengo
    Scope: education
  • Palazzo Ferrero - Miscele Culturali

    In partnership for the objectives

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • Panificio Frangipane

    Ancient Biella grains and slowness: the secret of a counter-current bakery

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: food
  • Piacenza Cashmere

    People, Planet, Product, Process and Partnership

    Location: Pollone
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Pro loco di Riabella

    "I am happy because I can fully experience this place as a protagonist and I can contribute to improving the quality of life" (Emanuele Rolando)

    Location: Campiglia Cervo
    Scope: turism
  • Raggio Verde Cooperative

    Quality, ethics and respect for people and the environment

    Location: Vigliano Biellese
    Scope: km 0 food
  • Regis Motors

    "We want the vehicles we create to be a contribution to the well-being of man, but that, like man himself, never stop evolving"

    Location: Biella
    Scope: mobility
  • Ricehouse

    From rice to green building

    Location: Andorno Micca
    Scope: waste
  • Roberta Viana Decorazioni Pittoriche Artistiche

    La sostenibilità dei dettagli

    Location: Candelo
  • Rosazza Tennis Club

    Not a simple game but a special experience that combines sport and nature

    Location: Rosazza
    Scope: tourism
  • Rosso Baietto Arcangelo Farm

    Butter as it used to be

    Location: Netro
    Scope: Food
  • Ruers

    "We want to remain traditional but at the same time create something modern in the Valley" (Marta Mossotti)

    Location: Piedicavallo
    Scope: tourism
  • Scuola Senza Pareti

    A school for new inhabitants, where they can learn together the art of cultivating, raising, recovering and transforming. A space for those who want to know and protect a territory that does itself a common good.

    Location: Sordevolo
    Scope: education
  • Secondary School of Mosso

    You can be happy at school!

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: education
  • SellaLab Biella

    Where sustainable innovation is born in Biella

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • Sistemi Agro Biologici società agricola srl - SisAgro

    "I'm happy because I work outdoors and I can build a different future for future generations" (Scilla Casetti)

    Location: Mottalciata
    Scope: food
  • Slow Food Travel Montagne Biellesi

    Reattaching and weaving the tangible and intangible heritage of the Biella area into a new fabric of relationships, oriented towards sustainable tourism

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism and hospitality
  • Spazio Hydro

    A cultural center where music, literature, theater, and cinema are explored

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Water, Food, Education, and Culture
  • Start the Change

    Lessons for change with the UN 2030 Agenda

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Education
  • Successori Reda

    Sustainability as an innovation strategy

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Tecnomeccanica Biellese

    The wool that cleans the seas

    Location: Camburzano
    Scope: water
  • Tessiture Sonore APS

    Musical Connections for Well-being and Education in the Community

    Location: Biella
    Scope: Education and Culture, Health and Well-being
  • The dolphin

    Responsible and sustainable mobility in Valdilana

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: mobility
  • Tintoria di Quaregna

    The art of natural dyeing

    Location: Quaregna Cerreto
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Tintoria Finissaggio 2000

    Excellence in sustainable chemical management in Italy

    Location: Masserano
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Tintoria Mancini

    The sustainability of color

    Location: Sandigliano
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Tintoria Tonella

    Future, science, nature, color

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: textile and fashion
  • Trabaldo Togna 1840

    High quality fabrics inspired by the world of plants

    Location: Pray
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Trappa di Sordevolo

    A place where history, nature, and community intertwine to build the future

    Location: Sordevolo
    Scope: Hospitality, Tourism, Food, Agriculture, Education and Culture, Health and Well-being
  • Viaggi e Miraggi Wool Travel Experience

    Responsible travel is knowledge of places, cultures and people

    Location: Biella
    Scope: tourism
  • Vitale Barberis Canonico

    Values Behind the Company: people, environment, product

    Location: Valdilana
    Scope: textiles and fashion
  • Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia

    Ci sono storie che accadono solo in Italia

    Location: Vigliano Biellese

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