It is the fusion between the first and second paradise. The first is the paradise in which humans were fully integrated into nature. The second is the artificial paradise, developed by human intelligence to globalizing proportions through science and technology. This paradise is made of artificial needs, artificial products, artificial comforts, artificial pleasures, and every other form of artifice.
Humankind has created a truly artificial world which has triggered, in an exponential manner and in parallel with beneficial effects, irreversible processes of decline and consumption of the natural world. The Third Paradise is the third phase of humanity, realized as a balanced connection between artifice and nature.The Third Paradise Tables are designed to bring together around them the organizations (associations, companies, schools, institutions...) divided into action groups and to host participatory planning activities. The tables are represented by a runner canvas that associates the individual issue with a specific color. The action groups, integrating when possible with existing initiatives, meet monthly to draw up a plan of sustainable development actions for the Biella region in the following areas:
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