
The canovaccio of the Demopractic Work

The method that Cittadellarte is experimenting with in different places in the world makes it possible to activate citizens’ participation which, if extended to the whole of society, makes government by the people a feasible possibility. It is articulated in three stages, or Scenes: Mapping, Forum, Workshops. The method initiated by Cittadellarte refers to the 17 SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda, a useful tool to define the main areas of action, in connection with territorial needs: from energy to food, from production to intercultural dialogue, from design to agriculture, from culture to politics, from waste management to water.

It is based on the principle of trinamics, whereby deliberations are reached by comparing different and even opposing views, according to the method of synthesis between thesis and antithesis expressed by the philosophy of the Third Paradise.

Freedom of expression and public debate are necessary for maintaining healthy balances within a civil society (based on democratic principles) and for building a real community.

The course of actions is designed so that citizens, together, find solutions, open dialogues, debate on issues, become passionate and understand the importance of teamwork, dialectics and demopratic political commitment, where praxis (practice, action) gives value to the decision-making cràtos (power) of the people.


The mapping identifies organisations that are already active in relation to the sustainability goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. It makes the organisations known to each other and visible to the whole region. Organisations are asked to indicate the most pressing and relevant issues to be addressed in the Forum.


Each mapped organisation registers for the Forum, which accommodates up to 100 subjects, divided into working tables coordinated by facilitators. These alternate with plenary sessions. Representatives of trade associations, professional orders, scientific research centres, schools, universities and other public institutions are also invited to take part in the work. Starting from the most relevant issues for the territory, each round table gathers proposals from the participants. The results are presented in the plenary session for collective discussion. In this context, a common action plan is outlined, which will be developed by the participants over the following twelve months, in an activity known as the Worksite, up until the next Forum, when the results achieved are verified and the action plans updated.


The Workshop has a duration of twelve months. Each participant in the Forum presents their action plan to their own organisations, which discuss and agree on the proposals. These plans are submitted to the scientific scrutiny of academic research bodies, whose function is to collect all the indications from the sectoral organisations and make them their own. This is done in order to develop the proposals formulated in the course of the Forums and the Workshop with the contribution of the most advanced skills in the specific fields of economics, politics, science, technology, the environment and all the other areas that make up the social fabric.

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